Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fourteen things i miss about ULC

After so long never go for training...i come up with list of things i miss about ULC

1. I miss Theen Mun's funny (corny) lame jokes.
2. I miss Sean's funny (egoistic) lame jokes.
3. I miss Mr.Sim's funny (not funny, maybe due to generation gap) lame jokes.

4. I miss Kiat Ju's "Wow"
5. I miss Nicole's "I tell u hor"
6. I miss Nick's "Aiyo"
7. I miss Rong Ming's "Come, i give u a pat on your back"

8. I miss Nicky's rosy red check.
9. I miss Crystal's friendly, cheerful smile.
10. I miss the German Beauty who is leaving us soon..
10. I miss my old ls123 batch, some who now magically "disappeared".

11. I miss hearing the whistle during training.
12. I miss SRC swimming pool.
13. I miss watching the splashs and legs of Jun Song, Yang Jun, Puay Yong and Ai Tong as they swim ahead of me in the 200m frontcrawl swim.

14. Lastly, i miss the rest of the ulc people who enriched my nus life...

sighing off..

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