Friday, September 30, 2011

Something to learn...

Just had to share this video...

Watch it and you'll know what I mean...

The lengths someone would go to preserve a tradition/practice/culture which may potentially be lost...

I feel like there's so much to learn from her... Esp the amount of pride she takes in this "Shua-Ya". :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Our Efforts for the Love for Lifesaving

It was a very tiring period …. weeks of fever catching and especially the ‘ding dong’ happening on Friday evening at the holy water, managed to close my eye lids for 5 hours per nights for the last few days….

Our lifesaving people were fantastic, especially the DWF …
Friday setup at Sentosa was very siong, but we persisted, thanks to KCL, TJH. LyK, 4 of us managed to fix up the lengthy equipment with the help of some bystanders… they are nice Singaporean., of course not forgetting NH for rushing to mid view for the lorry.

On Saturday, the setup was done quickly and we move forward without hitches, so many of our DWF were there to support…. Thanks to our Arafura trained LT, EL and ZO for holding the fort in the placing for all runners, one of the toughest events that need quick, sharp eyes and brains.

On Sunday, the long day at the beach, tedious but fun… thanks to NT & MT for their pro activeness in leading for the setting up the equipment for all competing lifesavers .

Many, many thanks to the newbie, the new committee members for been there when we needed you.

At the dinner, we again chomp chomp many ‘longs’ of small dragon paus till midnight… thanks to EC for his treat again. Look at our faces...always joyous and merry.... hope all those missing can join us for our next gathering.

Thanks so much for this year nationals feat, -- to all DWF without events and with events (our competitors), you were all there when we needed you most.

Let look forward to Sports Award on 28 Oct (all must turn up) where we will be honored again for our efforts for lifesaving in NUS and Singapore, follow by Desaru and Ah Mei Land year.

Shen Lau Shi

Friday, September 23, 2011

Inspiring video by Speedo's Unforgettable Swims .


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


10th September 2011 saw the conclusion of Splashdown 2011, organized by the NUS University Lifeguard Corps. The Swimathon was a frothing success as over 170 participants churned the waters for 3 hours at the Sports and Recreation Centre pool. Swimmers who complete at least 100 laps in the pool (or 5km) were rewarded with a finisher t-shirt for their achievement. The number of laps swam could be used to exchange for various gifts such as Block up Aloe Vera gel or even Arena water bottles!

Suited for every level of fitness and ability, the event attracted budding swimmers to seasoned triathletes. In addition, this year saw 2 disabled participants taking part in Splashdown, Alvina Neo, who requires orthosis to walk, and Adam, who lost an arm and the use of his other arm, and both successfully completing the 100 laps!

The fantastic sun drenched weather and the commendable efficiency of our volunteer officials also contributed greatly to the enjoyment of participants and supporters alike. This year saw an unprecedented 80% of participants completing the 100 laps challenge as well.

Here's a few pictures on the day of the event:

1. A quick glimpse at the event.

2. The start of excitement and adventure!

3. A random look at the participants!

4. Hold On! Victory belongs to you!

Special thanks to our sponsors who kept us hydrated, clothed, well groomed or just plain happy. So start blowing some chlorine bubbles and join in on the fun next year!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September: a month of excitement!

It's been a pretty exhilarating month so far... With Splashdown 2011 being successfully held, and our very own bunch of ULC 'new bloods' rising up to the occasion @ our AGM held earlier this month! ;)

The Annual NUS Swimathon - Splashdown 2011
Organizing committee, ULC seniors/members, volunteers after the event :)

For ULC, Splashdown 2011 has always been an event to promote a healthy and active lifestyle through swimming, an opportunity to promote lifesaving as a skill and sport (by creating some awareness to the public through our demonstrations), and lastly, an avenue for like-minded people to gather and push themselves mentally and physically through a marathon in the waters. :) This year, Splashdown saw a variety of participants taking part, including lifesaving teams across Singapore, the NUS aquathlon team, NUS students, as well as the public.
For the first time, we are also extremely honoured to have 2 handicap participants this year, Adam and Alvina, who have inspired many (including myself) by completing the 5km swimming marathon within 3 hours :)

ULC Annual General Meeting AY2011/2012
The incoming 30th Management Committee with their *peace/victory* sign :) Congratulations guys on getting elected!

The ULC AGM was held successfully with the 30th MC being elected. The AGM was attended by Mr Sim, the LS123 and BM batches, as well as our competitive lifesaving team + seniors + grand-seniors. How can I forget, our very own Barbarella (out-going Vice-chairperson)? ;) She was able to "attend" the AGM via webcam as she's currently abroad on exchange.
This year we witnessed some pretty intense Q&A by our seniors which really put our members to the test! We hope the session allowed the incoming MC to have a clearer picture and vision of ULC and its role within NUS and Singapore (as well as abroad), and that they'll be able to bring ULC to greater heights! Congratulations to the 30th MC and we wish you the very best!


6 more days to NATIONALS (OPEN WATER)!

The National Lifesaving Championship (Open water events) would be held from
24-25 September 2011 @ Siloso Beach Sentosa.

Everyone and anyone is welcomed to come support the team / help out at the competition!


Do remember to:




4. EAT WELL!!!



Friday, September 9, 2011


Hello all! This is the AGM video, with compilation of events from 2010 to 2011 and tribute to the SKP and DWF. For those of you who haven't watch it yet or want to re-watch again :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Do you know what type of blood does a Red Hat Alien has?

If you punch a human, he will feel pain and red colour blood will drip...
If you punch an Alien, he will drip Purple blood and feel Lazed, Relaxing and Joyous...
Need to learn from him on how to be positive at all times....

Shen Lau Shi

Friday, September 2, 2011

Wefi Surfboards from mark wyatt on Vimeo.

Maybe one day ULC can start a class on making surf boards! haha..