Sunday, June 29, 2008

Invitationals 4 years ago...

When I was as new to invi as nicole, KJS, JRM, TYR, you get what i mean...

This was my batch, my team mates, our first taste of a lifesaving competition.
The taste that has got me addicted.
Top Row: Yousi, Yiming, Weichong, Yong Chuan, Sze Han, Kenny
Bottom Row: Jasper, Jason, Gary, me, Shuyun, Derek.

The march past then, without the reel and bagpipes.

The Men's team (before the Team A & B system was implemented):
Juniors & Seniors.
Top Row: Ken Lee
Middle: LSB, Teck Loon, Jian Yuan, Haoran, Paul, Yousi, Yiming
Bottom: Hong Liang, Gary, Jason, Simon, Sze Han, Jeffrey

The seniors. (The Fan 4 then?)
From left: Jian Yuan, LSB, Damian, Teck Loon

The boys from my batch with matching trunks. (waterboys was very popular then.)
Fom left: Yousi, Szehan, Jason, Weichong, Jasper, Yong Chuan, Gary, Yiming.

All the men. Too many to name.

The Ladies:
Top row: Huili, Joan, Chengfang, Jiebao
Bottom row: Jac, Lynette, Tessa, Suxin, Mavis, Betty, Shuyun, me

From left: Huili, me, Shuyun, Betty

Top row: Mavis, Tessa, Joan, me, Jiebao, Chengfang
Bottom row: Suxin, Huili, Jac, Shuyun, Linda. & Mr Sim

The team of Invitationals 2004

Captain: Daniel Kwok

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