Monday, December 12, 2011

Roaring Waves of Leman

Dear All,
Just a brief write up about our new explored wave surfing trainings ground at Leman.......

picture showed FS cruising the waves from 200m away from shoreline...............

FS enjoying every moment that she had, riding the waves... long stretch shallow water and wide beaches....

We slept at this new wonderful resort somewhere in Leman...

With beautiful supporting facilities like pool , showers which is ideal for our purposes...

A beautiful pool, which you can wear shirt and long pants .... cheap and affordable costing is alway a priority so that everyone can join us...

At night, these folks gathered .... pictures is set to blurry so that no one knows who actually is 'God of Gamblers'

With our usual 6 meals per days ....

At this cooling hut operated by ST, our generous tour operator...

We practice running in shallow water for the first day....

Below picture show how a tiger/cat leaped into the water from shallow to deep water...... he burned his finger whilst trying to fire others from behind..... ouch! ouch! ouch!!!!!

We also do our usual surfboard and ski paddling...

Our body boards with fins proved to be very popular with the newbie...

also, rescues using Perry Rescue lines.... learning this rescue skills will be useful when we go up to Taiwan for swift water rescues....

Leman has beautiful wide sand area for beach flag and sprint... beri beri wide and long...

On our last day, the fiery SCS blew her top and push the waves higher to about 2 m, pounding all the newbie hard and challenge them to come and surf the waves...

Our newbie been encouraged by our old birds and seniors, try their best as to conquer the SCS challenge.

End of the day, all have a wonderful time learning new skills in lifesaving, challenging the waves under the watchful eyes and care from all the seniors....

And it was time to bid good bye to the Roaring Waves of Leman, our surfboards and body boards have serve us well and also deserve to have a well tender care by all by cleaning and polishing it up again ..... ready for the next challenge.

As we gathered for group pictures.... the South China Sea raise it 'voices' again with huge continuous waves from 300m and challenge us to ride on her.....but we have to go as our transport is waiting for year folks...

On our way back, we stop at this traditional copi tiam and some have big paus...huge big paus

Amazingly, this new generation does not know who is Amy Yep, whilst they are holding hers... and open their big mouth & bite some more...

What a wonderful moment for all our NUS Lifesaving people to gather and have a wonderful time learning new skills and exchanging ideals for their future and hope for lifesaving in NUS and Singapore.....

Despite the irritating sand flies and agar agar tentacles,, where many learn to overcome and endure with the help of the caring old birds and seniors lifesaving peers of NUS.

Thanks to all the old birds and seniors who understand the need of going through the sequence again and again for the continuity for our lifesaving newbie to learn new skills and the growth of ULC.

Shen Lau Shi

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