Wednesday, October 12, 2011

NUS Sports Awards 2011 - A day for us to gather and rejoice

Dear All,

Inviting all lifesaving people to join us for this joyous occasion on Friday, 28 Oct at UCC.

Award winners must report at 2pm - 3pm.

Others can come at 4pm

Those who are working and very busy.... please do come at 6.30pm as to share the joy and laughter that we possess...

Of course there is dinner which will be served at 6.45pm

We are a bunch of fun loving people with the same frequency, same passion for Lifesaving...

Looking back at our past achievements, we are likely to be given 'bigger ang pows' for this year.

Our guys too.... we work very hard and in return we will be rewarded.....

So, let us gather again, together for this happy, joyous, wonderful moment for our Lifesaving ...ULC people.

Never mind about the reward or outcome.... as we are still in 1 piece, still in good shape, still in 1 team either we won or lose.... that the teamNUS Lifesaving ULC spirit...

There is no excuse not to be there....

Everyone must be there on Friday, 28 Oct 11.

See ya,

Shen Lau Shi

Please give your name to TJH/LWR for the celebration dinner on another weekend...

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