Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Just for laugh amidst the fever that is going round

Maybe it goes like this......
Ah Girl in orange: "I have beards growing at my lower chin"
Ah Girl in yellow looking at her mirror: " Me too!"
Kaypoh advisor from the side: “Don’t pluck out, don’t pluck out; otherwise your voice will go hoarse like five hundreds!"

Standing man with pride singlet, (I think he is playing the role of King Bros ) telling off the black Jin H L whose is bared body : " Others are OK, but you! Your attitude sucks!"

Black Jin H L who always idles during trainings and only come to the pool to dip only, pointed his finger up and replied: "But I swim fast!"
Seated Lee Po Po put up her 2 hands and yelled: “but your manikin slipped out during tow!"
Others just laugh and go for a dip....

You all should know what I mean....

People just has ass luck and pick 'Gu sai' all the times, can go overseas too....

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