Thursday, August 18, 2011

国大水上救生队 记住自己是一名救生员! (2011-08-17)

Scroll further down for English version.................... 殷悦
新加坡国立大学 体育通讯员


  新加坡国立大学救生社团(National University of Singapore-University Lifeguard Corps,简称NUS ULC)创办于1982年,以推广新加坡水上安全、水上救生技术及人工心肺复苏术为宗旨,培养了多名优秀的救生员。近几年来,国大救生队的成绩步步高升,不单在国内的比赛中有优秀的表现,并在学校支持下有机会出国比赛和交流。

  国大救生队员5月在澳洲举行的阿拉弗拉运动会(Arafura Games)中的表现,值得赞扬。虽然外国选手有着较为明显的优势,但国大救生队仍拿出拼搏精神坚持到底,用成绩回报了付出。在女子抛绳救人项目中,李汶溶和邱意琳以默契的配合获得银牌,队长卓伟清也分别在50米和100米穿蛙鞋带假人中打破全国纪录。




  由于参加救生项目需要先通过相关的考核(Bronze Medallion),所以不是一项普遍的运动。为了扩大新加坡的救生社团,ULC积极地通过组织对应地课程与比赛来推广这项运动。


Credits: Zaobao

Thank you Yin Yue for the article... :) :) :)

(translated in English for potato lovers)

NUS Lifesaving team
Remember that you are a lifeguard!

"Don't just be caught up with the competitions, always remember that you are a lifeguard!" That is the golden advice that is repeated by the NUS Lifesaving coach, Sim Lye Hock.

The National University Of Singapore--University Lifeguard Corps, or NUS ULC, was established in 1982, in order to promote water safety in Singapore, as well as training professional lifeguards, equipping them with the necessary lifesaving and CPR skills. In recent years, NUS ULC has been steadily improving and with the support of the university, the club was able to go overseas for competitions and exchanges.

The performance of the team at the Arafura Games in May deserves praise. Although the international competitors were significantly stronger, the NUS Lifesaving team still fought on till the end. In the Women's 12 m Line Throw, Lee Wen Rong and Lynn Khoo won the silver medal. The team's captain, Toh Wei Qing, also went on to beat the national records for 50m and 100m Manikin Carry.

Under the guidance of Mr Sim, the athletes of the team have a burning passion for the sport and take a never-say-die attitude to each of their trainings and rare competitions. The variety of events in competitive lifesaving is numerous, which demands technique and experience in order to excel in any of them.

Team's captain, Toh Wei Qing said, "Every athlete in this team does not only have to know how to swim, they also need to be know how to sprint on the sand, swim with a manikin, do obstacle swims and use different types of equipment to save lives. So in order to see results during competitions, one needs to possess a consistency and discipline. In order to master the many different challenging techniques, the team trains four times a week, including once at the beach.

“Whether it is during the competition or at trainings, the athlete needs to have a certain standard of fitness, in order to be able to carry out rescues in emergencies. As a lifeguard, this is a responsibility of a lifesaver and it is a form of respect for lifesaving," stresses Mr Sim. This is also the reason why many graduates come back to train with the team, sharing their valuable experience with the younger lifeguards.

As Bronze Medallion is a requisite to compete, the sport is not a common one. In order to expand the lifesaving scene in Singapore, ULC organizes courses and competitions to promote the sport.
The relationship of Mr Sim with the team of lifesavers is like that of a family and his greatest wish is for them to live in harmony and not be caught up over winning or losing the competitions. It is only in doing so that a team can stay bonded. NUS Lifesaving team will continue to fight on for this Sunday's National Lifesaving Championship and give it their best effort!

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