Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Finding a New Home

Dear All,
Don't know what to do with all these trophies.......
Over the years, it getting more and more....

Furthermore, my office will soon be gone in 2 years time, as the whole place will be shutdown and renovated....

Trying to find a new home for all these trophies that were won by you all....

Over the years it getting more and more.......

SOME MORE!!!! ............ it's choking but with love and passion from you all...

Let me find a solution to all these Lifesaving trophies, plaques and search for a new home for 'them' --the gems that come a long way from all willing to give, non-calculative, not stingy, hardworking, and wonderful lifesaving people of NUS.


Shen Lau Shi

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