Friday, June 3, 2011

Arafura Day 5 onwards...

Good morning sir, good morning maam, my name is Leticia, and I am a maid. perstly, Leticia is bery bery sari, because Leticia take bery bery long to update the blog. not like my sister, lulu. she always update the blog bery fast.

Also, Leticia is bery bery tired becus, ebery morning leticia hab to wake up bery eurlee to cook to breakfast for the boi boi and gur gur. So now leticia hab to post like five more days. but gut alot of pictures. because the boi boi camera bery bery good, dat one, the kanon s95. bery bery nice. boi boi bring the camera , and boi boi is LRJ.

so ebery bardy meet the taiwan team. and we eben gib them a plague. and they gib us one too. they are bery bery nice. they also gib us sum harts. to wear on the head when we go to the beach. bery bery pretty. but sir say, only those that neber go can get. so leticia is bery sad. Leticia hab to go to the lucky plaza to buy her own harts. so we eat at the tasty house, which is bery expensive. it's like leticia's one month pay.

Sir had to drink alot becus the taiwan ppl keep asking him to drink. he drink until his face bery rad. and then apter that, he keep talking alot of nunsense.

DAY 5:
So the next day was the first day of the competition for the pool events at casuarina pool. AND THE WATER IS BERY BERY BERY COLD. LETICIA WAS ALMOST FROZEN. before that, we went to do some shopping and have lunch at the casuarina mall there..
The girls outside the pool after shopping at casuarina mall.

The icy pool, ready for warm-ups. But of cos, there was no way of getting warm in that water.

The officials being briefed on their duties.

In this first day of the pool events, we had:
200m Obstacles
4 x 50m Obstacles Relay (1 team of 4)
50m Manikin Carry
100m Manikin Carry with Fins
4 x 25m Manikin Carry

After a long day, and some cold swims and judging, we went back to our hostel to have dinner and to rest an even longer day of lagoon and beach events.

Day 6:
We wake up bery bery eurlee, but not because need to cook tausuan or make breakfast for boi boi, but because we hab to go to the wave lagoon as the competition at wave lagoon starts at eight am! OMG.

All squashed in the lift to the darwin wave lagoon!

OTW to darwin wave lagoon! actually this is when we are almost there alr!

Our officials very eng, dont need to warm up so can camwhore.

A calm and early darwin wave lagoon

Officials being briefed again.

Events at the wave lagoon:
Male / Female Surf Race
Male / Female Rescue Tube Rescue Race (1 mixed team of 2 males / 2 females)
Male / Female Surf Teams Race

At night, we were still not let off and we had to go back to Mindil beach for the "land" beach events...

and now I shall just treat you guys to a series of awesome sunset shots which u will nvr get in sg...

Our officials, again.

The girls team at Mindil Beach

The nice smooth sand at Mindil Beach

Beach Flags

Course for beach sprints and relays

With some of the Taiwan girls and calefares

Events held at Mindil Beach:
Male / Female Beach Relay
Male / Female Beach Sprint
Male / Female Beach Flags

After the multiple runs and a very very very tired body, we headed back for our hostel. Before that, we had a sharing session about what we learned during these days of the competition. Lots of emotions and heartfelt sharing took place.

And over here, I just wna say how I think that in competitions, a lot of shit can happen, but it's impt not to let that shit get u down. Earlier in the day, when KCL went out during the rescue tube rescue, his tube actually slipped out of his shoulder when he was putting on his fins and he did not realise it. Only when he swam to TWQ did he realise that the tube was not with him. But the two of them did not give up there and then. According to KCL, TWQ was the one who told him to do it, but KCL swam back for the tube, went back to TWQ to rescue him, and still completed the race. And I think that that should be the spirit in a sporting event. We all hope to win, and frankly I would say we stood a good chance. But more important than winning, is the mentality that you have and display as a competitor. I think that defines people more than a medal does. (okay this is becomming like a personal reflection. but i knw if i was giving a speech. u all will surely give TWQ and KCL a round of applause.)

Day 7:

Headed back down to the Casuarina pool for the second day of pool events where the following was held:
Male / Female 12m Line Throw
Male / Female 100m Manikin Tow with Fins
Male / Female 4 x 50m Medley relay
Male / Female Super lifesaver

And of cos, this is where NUS got our Silver Medal by LWR and LyK in 12m Line throw! *yay! throws confetti*

A shot w the Junior Barras

Afterwards, the officials had a celebration while the rest of the competitiors went back to eat pizzzzzzaaaaa. YUMS.

Day 8:


the following events were held at casuarina beach:
Male / Female Board
Male / Female Ski
Male / Female Board Rescue
Oceanwoman Relay
Oceanman Relay
Oceanwoman ‘Reserve’
Oceanman ‘Reserve’
Oceanwoman ‘A
Oceanman ‘A’
The calm and blue Casuarina Beach

Once the competition was over, there was a small wrap up and the Northern Territory Lifesaving team gave each of us this SUPER CUTE koala and kangaroo.. (maybe some of u can win it at a desaru trip in future?) and wrapped up the international lifesaving competition for the Arafura Games 2011.

Later that evening, we went to attend the closing ceremony for a shirt while.

The flags of all participating nations at the Arafura Games 2011

Queuing for food with the meal vouchers!

Afterwards, we got a treat at the chinese restaurant by our dentist EC!!!! YAY, while mr sim treated the teamSG members... but cos some buffet thingy we wanted to go to didnt have the time slot for us! :( but the chinese food was quite good tooooo :D:D


DAY 9:

Rented some cars for a road trip! :D

Our first stop! To see the homes of the termites!

Whats behind this?

But the water was bery bery cold, Leticia had already been cold por the last few days so leticia dont want to go into the water. Leticia became bery bery scared of the cold wahter, like the hart iron.

So nice it looks photoshopped!

But later we go to some rapids, and Sir keep asking leticia to go into the wahter, so leticia went in to play with all the boi boi and gur gur.

Got a bery high place, you can jump into the plunge pool... got some people they crazy, they climb bery bery high like a tarzan, they climb on the tree to jump into the pool.

After that, we went to a nice calm lake--Lake bennett, just to sit around. Like when I go to the botanic gardens to hab the picnic with my boypren Terry.

DAY 10:

After we checked out we had nothing to do alr, so some of us went to the sharpping senter like me and KCL who bought a lat of shoes and slippers becos we haben shap properly at the casuarina mall there.

Others sat in cafes to play our favourite game, Monopoly Deal, and hab some bery nice cakes!

After that, we were homebound for SG!!!

Over here, i would also like to thank Mr Sim for bringing us to Arafura, where we could learn more about lifesaving and have a greater exposure to international lifesaving.
Another thing that I learned during the debrief session on the second day of the competition and have learnt to very much appreciate is the effort in which Mr Sim puts in for the team, to take part in events like this. Many of us (okay i dont drag u all in) maybe just me, think that Mr Sim can be quite stubborn in certain things that he does. But people always have a reason for why they do things.
As Mr Sim would put it himself, people think about the immediate consequence, he has to think of the long term consequences and the overall effect not just on NUS lifesaving, but also on the lifesaving scene in general. For instance, we are not allowed to protest in any circumstance while we are there, because we want to maintain a friendly relation with our overseas friends.
Would also like to thank Mr Sim for bringing us there and back safely, not just cooking for us, but down to small details. For example, he told us all to print our visa and air ticket, but he had an additional copy printed for all of us anw. So i think you would agree with me when i say: XIE XIE NI, SHEN LAU SHI:D <3<3 (give u alot of harts)

Okay thank you everybirdieeeee.

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