Tuesday, January 25, 2011

CNY Gatherings - Yo! The Rabbit is coming

It's another year,
Need to give you all 'press age money' for you all to grow up.
So gather at my 寒舍 for lunch/brunch at 1pm on Sun, 6 Feb 2011.
I will be cooking 4 dishes, -HK noodles, 2 meats, 1 vegetables... so the rest you all settle...
Please arrange with each other and avoid bringing too much food...

Please take note that you need to stay up late on CNY Eve so as to prolong your parents ..... for longevity and good health for them...

Shen Lau Shi


Addition (By Weiqing)

Hi all, Since it is a pot luck, please do leave what you are bringing on the tagboard (or Update it yourself)!

Have left some other 'blanks' on suggestions on what to bring, list is not exhaustive! If you have something you would like to bring for everyone to try by all means go ahead!


Yu Sheng (w/ Raw Fish) - WFJ LKY CS NT
Fried finger food (from Old Chang Kee) - TJH CT (Colin) TWQ
Non-carbonated Drinks - NH TWS
Ice cream - PY, BMW

Fried Food/Finger Food
Chips/Snacks - TYR
Dessert (Jelly, Cocktail, Cut Fruits)

For those that do not know how to get to Mr Sim's place, tentatively meet at 1245pm at Bukit Batok MRT station! (Will someone help to 'meet' these group of people and guide them to Mr Sim's house?)

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