Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Just some helpful pointers I thought maybe useful .

Generally speaking, the majority of people don't care much about their diets and sometimes tend to eat whatever appeals to them. Here is perhaps a more structured way to eating right for your sport.

Establishing the main food groups...

Carbohydrates - I'm sure everyone knows what carbs are best for. ENERGY!
Protein - Important for repairing and building up muscles.
Fibre - For shitting! An essential part of the diet if you wish to lose more weight.

Before Training
Hours before actual training, try stocking up more on carbs and lesser on protein. What you want is the constant flow of energy during training, not muscle cannibalism which happens frequently if you do not consume enough carbs.
Discounting yourself on carbs will only slow and deter your performance later during training and you wonder why others can keep improving their PB.
Good form of carbs include rice, white noodle, bread, potato(baked) and many more...

During training
Do not eat anything at this point in time unless you intend to vommit. Instead drink water enough to quench your surface thirst and not too much cause you will feel bloated later on. Isotonic and energy drinks are a great help too!

After Training
All that muscle is screaming for protein after training and that is what you must supplement it. RAW MEAT! Just kidding. Meat, milk, fish, eggs, beans and tofu provide an excellent source of protein for your training needs. Also restock on carbs to prepare yourself for subsequent trainings.

Observations-Avoid niceties
Ice-cream, chocolate, slurpee, sweets, chips and all those nice foods are not going to help you improve your training development. Of course I'm not saying you should abstain from it completely. Rather, exercise wisdom in what you eat and your body will serve you well in the future.

For those who desperately want to lose weight
Form up at least 2 servings of either fruits and vegetables for each meal. Don't ever skip your meals. Your body is an intelligent adaptible being, scrimping on food will only lower your body's metabolic rate and afterwhich feelings of lethargy and dizziness are onset. Carbs/Proteins/Fibre are all important, do not rely too heavily on either.

Sources of energy
Fruits such as bananas and berries, raisins, chocolate bars(not too often though), energy drinks, plain peanuts are icings to the cake before training. If you feel tired or sleepy, try downing some of these alternatives for an extra boost.

Having said all these, there are many more other factors and things I would like to add but I have case analysis to do!!! Argh!!
You may wish to take this as a guideline but since nutrition preferences differ from person to person, you might want to try out more alternatives.
I am free for queries!! if anyone has any?

Peaceful Vibes, Nicholas

1 comment:

agl said...

Great suggestions! Thanks!! :)