Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sundown Swimathon Pictures

Just some pictures of the SS last night (or this morning).

The team, WFJ, KJS, NPY, NAT, PYJ.DSCF7519

Supporter 1 & 2: Nicky & Crystal. DSCF7556

Supporters Unite!DSCF7575

Towards about 30 minutes to the end of the race. The guys were shagged out, some super high and some semi-delusional. DSCF7618

Finally they completed 9 hours of swimming! All their tiresome look transformed into sheer relief and jubilance.DSCF7624

Prize presentation! DSCF7637

Dawn - the team, with the other 3 supporters! Eliz, YKJ, NTCX.DSCF7638

The number of redbull consumed during the night.  DSCF7636

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.  ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

1 team. 5 lifesavers. 9 hours. 748 laps.

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